Why Partner?
Propertyface2face is a long established and proven property networking brand for the East Midlands, with a great reputation for delivering high quality events that attract the key ‘movers and shakers’ in the local property scene.
Raise awareness of your business
We have created a sponsorship package to deliver value to our partners and help raise awareness of your organisation, to keep your brand front of mind and to generate quality NEW business contacts.
Our Propertyface2face events are always held at hand-picked, award winning Indian fine dining restaurants and are available to sponsor to help get your brand noticed, with around 50-60 senior decision makers attending each Curry Club networking lunch.
Get exposure
Propertyface2face has a database of over 1000 individuals, that is regularly updated. We issue regular e-bulletins and promote our events and sponsors via our active social media platforms and our website.
Our Twitter feed, for example, has 2250 followers, the majority of which are property-related, while our LinkedIn Group has 650 members.
Propertyface2face Partner benefits:
- Pre-event branding – benefit from your company logo being featured in our event e-mailers to a targeted 1,000+ database
- Showcase your industry expertise with a 5-10 minutes speech to our property and construction guests
- Event branding – enhance your brand with pop-up banners and merchandise displayed throughout our chosen venues
- Enjoy a complimentary Curry Club ticket worth £35.00
- Our Partner Package cost: £250.00 (No VAT)
Who partners with us?
Propertyface2face partners include:
- CP Walker and Son
- Allica Bank
- Sytner BMW
- Lawson-West Solicitors
- Waldeck Consulting
- Hopkins Solicitors
- TM Group
- Leaders Lettings
- Nelsons Solicitors
- Key Mortgages
- SDL Property Auctions
We operate a non-competing industry policy, so there won’t be two law or architecture firms sponsoring to help maximise your exposure.